Sharp Pointy Things

Current Specials

We retail almost every brand of cutlery in the world, and are a distributor for the nation's largest cutlery importer. Whatever your cutlery needs, we can help you find the right product.

  • Ninja Keychain

    "Ninja" keychain. Easy to use, just grab it and strike with it.

    $5 each. $3 shipping.

    Inquire about quantities of a dozen or more.

    Item out of stock. Please check back later.

  • Emergency Hammer

    Emergency glass breaker and seat belt cutter. $10 including domestic US shipping.

    Item out of stock. Please check back later.

  • Rubber Training Knife

    Rubber training knife, shaped like the classic sub hilt fighter. $10, including domestic shipping.

    Item out of stock. Please check back later.

Greenwood, Indiana, USA
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Website design © 2005-2022, Jessica Schlenker.